Sketch's Lab - The Final Outpost
The Final Outpost

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The Final Outpost is an adoptable site where the goal is to discover and breed new variations of creatures. Discover new breeds through quests and hunting on the site.
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Sketch's Lab

  • Sketch has 4751 creatures
  • Joined at 6:11 pm, 14/03/2021
Badge Winter Solstice 2022
Badge Winter Solstice 2022 (Mixologist)
Badge Halloween 2021 (Bronze)
Badge Discord Verified
Badge Beta Tester

It's quite the expedition out to visit Sketch's lab, and for good reason. The long road takes your ECV through a vast silver gate that opens upon your approach, and when you see the herds of girafos, cervids, and safido grazing together with saltanta lounging close by, you realize what the scientist has done : she's created a protected reserve for the life she studies. Her lab is no less remarkable than the work she's done outside, and you're given a quick tour accompanied by her loyal saltanta Abaddon at your side. It seems all of her creatures are vitally chipped, named, and well-loved.

Creature: LQMmc NeurotiQueen Leq'amria
Creature: 4GyXP WitherKing Nethariel
Creature: RKBRn EverQueen Salvo
Creature: ZIrH2 ShatterQueen Zirahas
Creature: 6oOK0 SleighQueen Sirrox
Creature: eYmHf ShatterKing Estaria
Creature: orcCJ BoneKing Orthodastrius
Creature: iAyNo ShatterKing Atoma
Creature: hVhP2 BladeKing Myemyirr
Creature: wTIU6 ShatterKing Hypebeast
Creature: ecnKQ WrathQueen Excenia
Creature: wAJF5 ShatterKing Wunderwaffe
Creature: cWcOp EverKing Ctharos
Creature: lRDdZ ShatterQueen Alaphia
Creature: uu66u EverQueen Uu'Xefasia
Creature: Jhm4z ShatterQueen Fatewreather
Creature: vWTS2 NeurotiKing Verruct
Creature: XIl9m BoneQueen Xii'lephyr
Creature: TfGjF WitherKing Trifecta
Creature: yFSFE WitherKing Yessifer
Creature: bZ95T WitherKing Vauhnslaught
Creature: EPZMc WitherQueen Ethidezma
Creature: tS5fh WrathKing Miaougrace
Creature: ftquF SleighKing Fantasios
Creature: XP6Jm SleighKing Xethoros
Creature: T3gXC SleighQueen Tsiremorsa
Creature: GOc80 BoughKing Ghansiterros
Creature: MhGYe BoughQueen Mysteria
Creature: mCyat BoughQueen Mhyrr
Creature: Gx78g EverKing Grimm
Creature: 8UUmv EverQueen Innocence
Creature: Nzkdp EverQueen Necrodema
Creature: MDcxj Wrathess i'Murdocc
Creature: syYVW BladeLord i'Sylvestine
Creature: uCclP Bladess ii'Puritykiller
Creature: gG9hs BladeLord i'Ghanser
Creature: 76gV2 Bladess i'Blackfaith
Creature: pdrm8 Bladess i'Passover
Creature: nIadi BladeLord i'Nopsyche
Creature: s8IgZ Everess i'Silene
Creature: KgqAx ShatterKing Khaos
Creature: rsFoQ ShatterKing Rhynmirr
Creature: Jtu2E NeurotiQueen Ae'sylvia
Creature: aa7xk NeurotiKing Alabastor
Creature: Y0R7x ShatterQueen Tiaress
Creature: f10G6 ShatterKing Blackfade
Creature: ESowN ShatterKing Deadfaith
Creature: 234NT ShatterQueen Skyaera
Creature: njj6T NeurotiKing Trancevalent
Creature: j9LyB ShatterKing Faustogue
