Sketch's Lab - The Final Outpost
The Final Outpost

Welcome to The Final Outpost!

The Final Outpost is an adoptable site where the goal is to discover and breed new variations of creatures. Discover new breeds through quests and hunting on the site.
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Sketch's Lab

  • Sketch has 4751 creatures
  • Joined at 6:11 pm, 14/03/2021
Badge Winter Solstice 2022
Badge Winter Solstice 2022 (Mixologist)
Badge Halloween 2021 (Bronze)
Badge Discord Verified
Badge Beta Tester

It's quite the expedition out to visit Sketch's lab, and for good reason. The long road takes your ECV through a vast silver gate that opens upon your approach, and when you see the herds of girafos, cervids, and safido grazing together with saltanta lounging close by, you realize what the scientist has done : she's created a protected reserve for the life she studies. Her lab is no less remarkable than the work she's done outside, and you're given a quick tour accompanied by her loyal saltanta Abaddon at your side. It seems all of her creatures are vitally chipped, named, and well-loved.

Creature: LoVDN BladeQueen Lovles
Creature: WHDlQ ShatterQueen Eluriel
Creature: wcYN5 BladeKing Snowmelt
Creature: VWu8Y ShatterKing Vaeryth
Creature: 9PJKA BoneKing Blystarr
Creature: 2F75O 2F75O
Creature: A7oR3 EverQueen Aurorus
Creature: xW3GU EverQueen Xeraphiel
Creature: WlFXn SleighKing Wyzanthros
Creature: k3dbY WitherKing Eldergold
Creature: eFj6T BoneKing Effervescein
Creature: vqlfk ShatterQueen Rendstar
Creature: jTrgH WrathKing Allstar
Creature: 8JMZu EverPrince ii'Ezmodius
Creature: 7FLhI BladeQueen Theoria
Creature: 6ZtHh BoneKing Xeneth
Creature: NISKx EverPrince i'Holyfrost
Creature: 5npZp Everprince i'Deathangel
Creature: mqm0Y mqm0Y
Creature: ZekBu NeurotiKing Zekeri
Creature: TRsaB WrathKing Trasatone
Creature: e1kfy BladeQueen Elkifer
Creature: LRW6Q WrathQueen Leurosa
Creature: 2dIsj BoneLord i'Sparklebuc
Creature: E2qnh WrathQueen Estaria
Creature: X8ufU BoneQueen Xefeara
Creature: oKLjz Everess i'Seraphavis
Creature: kxhxH Everprince i'Godsong
Creature: MMmeB WrathKing Mimicri
Creature: AQQh2 EverPrince i'Closeties
Creature: Gipfz NeurotiPrince i'Girfaer
Creature: uVROT BoneQueen Rottscar
Creature: ODk1R WrathKing Osiris
Creature: BGYWh BoughQueen Blackout
Creature: e8ssh WrathQueen Eireshe
Creature: efEuG BoneQueen Elastara
Creature: X5w7W BoughQueen Azenith
Creature: 79WC1 BladeQueen Holyfrost
Creature: jZ8Cv BladeKing Zahiir
Creature: O2wy9 BoughKing Blackhawk
Creature: Qpa7s Qpa7s
Creature: NrQg4 WitherKing Woefoe
Creature: zIQY0 EverQueen Ze'laria
Creature: 5qvye ShatterKing Eq'raveous
Creature: hVOIX hVOIX
Creature: LU1uP BoughQueen Boughbreaker
Creature: PFR4z EverPrince i'Deathtongue
Creature: KdjBn Everess i'Phantacide
Creature: bQ9II BoughQueen Illiastriel
Creature: lDKCJ ShatterQueen Idelcia
