Sketch's Lab - The Final Outpost
The Final Outpost

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The Final Outpost is an adoptable site where the goal is to discover and breed new variations of creatures. Discover new breeds through quests and hunting on the site.
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Sketch's Lab

  • Sketch has 4751 creatures
  • Joined at 6:11 pm, 14/03/2021
Badge Winter Solstice 2022
Badge Winter Solstice 2022 (Mixologist)
Badge Halloween 2021 (Bronze)
Badge Discord Verified
Badge Beta Tester

It's quite the expedition out to visit Sketch's lab, and for good reason. The long road takes your ECV through a vast silver gate that opens upon your approach, and when you see the herds of girafos, cervids, and safido grazing together with saltanta lounging close by, you realize what the scientist has done : she's created a protected reserve for the life she studies. Her lab is no less remarkable than the work she's done outside, and you're given a quick tour accompanied by her loyal saltanta Abaddon at your side. It seems all of her creatures are vitally chipped, named, and well-loved.

Creature: e0xsN BoughKing Eoxsthera
Creature: rHQWr BladeKing Rhastoth
Creature: dGO3R SleighKing Dementor
Creature: vHRK3 SleighKing Verruct
Creature: pOrWH ShatterQueen Porsche
Creature: U3ISK BoughKing Isirios
Creature: DWDIf NeurotiKing Royale
Creature: EOBhT NeurotiKing Eobathyris
Creature: gTGgH BoneQueen Athharsia
Creature: hJbQM WrathKing Chavess
Creature: lhK8e BoughQueen Ihikki
Creature: 46fH2 NeurotiQueen Di'monia
Creature: OM2TO BoneQueen Ostavia
Creature: Ct2cw NeurotiQueen Scirilith
Creature: s5lgp NeurotiQueen Impyrieth
Creature: 5axyA ShatterKing Araxys
Creature: cBU2N SleighKing Ceverus
Creature: nf4AT BladeKing Nihilifall
Creature: ux5gs BoneQueen Vertebrette
Creature: fRcH7 BoughQueen Nouri
Creature: hXONc WrathKing Heirocefi
Creature: qsVTv WitherKing Versates
Creature: uiDZV WrathQueen Ursaluna
Creature: e93Nh EverKing Erodius
Creature: O5IEl BladeKing Syrien
Creature: Zvukz NeurotiQueen Ze'vuux
Creature: v1bUk BladeKing Viirbuuc
Creature: wdyM7 BladeQueen Wyrdfire
Creature: PzgFG ShatterKing Aphrensia
Creature: raztj WrathKing Drozremon
Creature: Ttftv NeurotiKing Silvergaze
Creature: KtIjJ SleighQueen Cthalys
Creature: UkMga BoughKing Xerathromon
Creature: jbniP ShatterQueen Aladari
Creature: iNKji BoughKing Blackout
Creature: F8z5p ShatterQueen Eladrith
Creature: IrlwN BoughKing Dreamtheater
Creature: tAUaV WrathQueen Cancera
Creature: naYVg BoughQueen Nav'iin
Creature: eFGfP BoughKing Faithlyss
Creature: ulnvd BoughQueen Brightfall
Creature: eX9xR NeurotiKing Exxaviar
Creature: LxW8x SleighQueen Allexyn
Creature: goD61 BoughQueen Godsomen
Creature: 2D19A ShatterQueen Thaeridestra
Creature: 63t6J ShatterQueen Bronzeblood
Creature: pjfUH BoughQueen Pherimirra
Creature: 75s0Q WrathQueen Saeverith
Creature: Nuzc0 EverQueen Atonement
Creature: xHecg BladeKing Essencios
