The Final Outpost

pinkgothic's lab

As you enter the lab, you see various 3D-printed miniature skeletons arranged on one of the broad tables. Judging by the hand-drawn posters on the walls, it looks like the inhabitant of this particular unit has sunk their teeth into the phylogeny and paleontology of the lost years, trying to reconstruct the evolution of the creatures that now populate the world.
  • pinkgothic has 5665 creatures
  • Joined on August 11th, 2020
Creature: BJ293 Lavender
Creature: 3ZcbW Lead
Creature: 7ygwy Lightning
Creature: VzMHb Lime
Creature: e3zup Mandelbrot
Creature: qu5Md Mandelbrot
Creature: sayMd Manifold
Creature: wJndD Mauled
Creature: vUJt8 Measles
Creature: 87OEQ Midas
Creature: Lq2d2 Mud
Creature: ynd1a Nude
Creature: MpZ5W Nugget
Creature: sWOTR Overgrowth
Creature: uL8t7 Patterned
Creature: 2mLHw Peach
Creature: Pt8JM Pearl
Creature: phbz9 Phazer
Creature: KlNKP Pink is my Kink
Creature: kIM2D Pride Month
Creature: KwzzZ Quizzical
Creature: k3Qro Racer
Creature: z0wnq Radiance
Creature: j19wp Raw
Creature: yioUV Razor
Creature: VJ5Zr Ripple
Creature: rXBOz Robber
Creature: U5LHQ Royal
Creature: akODt Runic
Creature: fSCCF Saturation
Creature: UcLT2 Scales
Creature: cp3Jt Seastorm
Creature: HsESs Secession
Creature: EEDiM Sheen
Creature: A3tYy Shredded
Creature: siabn Siaban
Creature: SBblw Sibilant
Creature: wUxIb Skewered
Creature: 4C1aR Skinned
Creature: X1XVN Skinner
Creature: xzeFg Slash
Creature: 8f1wd Slaughter
Creature: Abtzf Snowcone
Creature: RX7FA Snowstorm
Creature: 15Ki9 Solar Wind
Creature: UGJSQ Solder
Creature: ZSoMd Sombie
Creature: m62aj Sorcerer
Creature: tf9Sf Spark
Creature: vNR6M Speckstein