The Final Outpost

pinkgothic's lab

As you enter the lab, you see various 3D-printed miniature skeletons arranged on one of the broad tables. Judging by the hand-drawn posters on the walls, it looks like the inhabitant of this particular unit has sunk their teeth into the phylogeny and paleontology of the lost years, trying to reconstruct the evolution of the creatures that now populate the world.
  • pinkgothic has 5620 creatures
  • Joined on August 11th, 2020
Creature: UcL6s Flameridge
Creature: 89E73 Mire
Creature: LIspn Stutter
Creature: aHiwP Aleph
Creature: om967 Bald
Creature: mSjAQ Banana Peel
Creature: 46P3M Baptist
Creature: uywdd Blep
Creature: oetff Blood Tiger
Creature: vLIWK Braid
Creature: zBWDD Buddy
Creature: SSIWk Candlewick
Creature: nprzn Comb
Creature: gkvrD Corrugated
Creature: KOFFv Coughdrop
Creature: 7b3ku Cracked
Creature: 1DzNW Djinn
Creature: dLYZY Dlyzzo
Creature: FbuW7 Fibonacci
Creature: OkzQQ Fisonic
Creature: Q8cA3 Galvanized
Creature: czLCJ Gold-Pressed Latinum
Creature: GzM6z Gomez
Creature: dIIhf Hellfire
Creature: h3Sxy Hex
Creature: dsJQW Jester
Creature: 0JTl8 Jet
Creature: xJIag Jing
Creature: YgJ9j Juggler
Creature: l2zRK Lark
Creature: n131v Licked
Creature: YlVkK Lozenge
Creature: 8Jfcm Magma
Creature: zKDth Mango
Creature: mhu8C Muck
Creature: tXhbZ Mud
Creature: MYpGI Mythos
Creature: nD0Uf Nefarious
Creature: Uo0VB Ovulation
Creature: O7XZM Oxenfree
Creature: Q1qH4 Paprika
Creature: XoDnG Peel
Creature: 7PrVg Proof
Creature: 3kMS2 Pumpkin
Creature: 09zQR Quasar
Creature: xiQB2 Quibble
Creature: bVSK3 Radiator
Creature: ZYks3 Red Ice
Creature: RYMdi Rim
Creature: uDSZ9 Salamanda