The Final Outpost

pinkgothic's lab

As you enter the lab, you see various 3D-printed miniature skeletons arranged on one of the broad tables. Judging by the hand-drawn posters on the walls, it looks like the inhabitant of this particular unit has sunk their teeth into the phylogeny and paleontology of the lost years, trying to reconstruct the evolution of the creatures that now populate the world.
  • pinkgothic has 5620 creatures
  • Joined on August 11th, 2020
Creature: acKj8 acKj8
Creature: Alf9S Alpha
Creature: AnZCE Amber
Creature: ACwTW Ancient
Creature: AhD8b Anthracite
Creature: B8Drz Arabia
Creature: w7s72 Astringent
Creature: c6N6U Banbu
Creature: V6mYE Banhana
Creature: BJHLY Bayley
Creature: besij Beast
Creature: XBviV Bevel
Creature: vgwV3 Bloodtipped
Creature: 77QKg Bloodwhisker
Creature: edqzh Bloodwhisker
Creature: JpMoC Camouflage
Creature: Ro2wx Caramelle
Creature: xU02N Carving
Creature: k2lOZ Chaos
Creature: s3GXy Charm
Creature: hMcTS Clay
Creature: CLlrV Clayran
Creature: 6WBB2 Cloud
Creature: 5vk96 Coffee
Creature: C3Rkm Cream
Creature: Xqwwr Creme Fraiche
Creature: 6CTO4 Desert Rose
Creature: WmCVz Drumbeat
Creature: G51XE Duke
Creature: Bxfk9 Dune
Creature: qQ7vj Dust
Creature: oKu1T Egoli
Creature: ioElq Eloquent
Creature: O30K5 Erosion
Creature: EXrVy Expanse
Creature: y1RSk Filigree
Creature: 33246 Flake
Creature: Gqhvm Frostburn
Creature: HMJLS Gently
Creature: XNq3U Goldflake
Creature: SERTZ Goldheart
Creature: qoJRx Grass
Creature: hVIWy Haavif
Creature: I8Hgk Hacker
Creature: 0M8Yy Ice
Creature: 5rgeC Invictus
Creature: IzALx Izal
Creature: jJElM Jelm
Creature: dMXuq Jester
Creature: KszUc Khaki