The Final Outpost

pinkgothic's lab

As you enter the lab, you see various 3D-printed miniature skeletons arranged on one of the broad tables. Judging by the hand-drawn posters on the walls, it looks like the inhabitant of this particular unit has sunk their teeth into the phylogeny and paleontology of the lost years, trying to reconstruct the evolution of the creatures that now populate the world.
  • pinkgothic has 5620 creatures
  • Joined on August 11th, 2020
Creature: Accru Accrue
Creature: 1bCHg Adenanthos
Creature: omJrI Blackcurrant
Creature: KnQF2 Bleach
Creature: dsv5J Charcoal
Creature: lAYZ6 Corona
Creature: kvnxv Cuteness
Creature: INtCh Give An Inch
Creature: rpucp Graphene
Creature: o8Jo8 Guava
Creature: sqsmb Honey Melon
Creature: icrH0 Ichor
Creature: ihhnb Inhibition
Creature: hL53v LillyTheLynx
Creature: BuPM8 Mango
Creature: ncruo Nektarine
Creature: RCk2v Outpost Hunter
Creature: vE7gK Pale Rose
Creature: wwifD Prof Sunshine
Creature: UKkge prpldrgnfr
Creature: 09vg9 Radiance
Creature: porXu Rind
Creature: sZ7df Rose
Creature: tATHo Tatho
Creature: jhanx Thanks
Creature: YN0n0 Why, No, No!
Creature: zqgyu Ziggurat