The Final Outpost

pinkgothic's lab

As you enter the lab, you see various 3D-printed miniature skeletons arranged on one of the broad tables. Judging by the hand-drawn posters on the walls, it looks like the inhabitant of this particular unit has sunk their teeth into the phylogeny and paleontology of the lost years, trying to reconstruct the evolution of the creatures that now populate the world.
  • pinkgothic has 5620 creatures
  • Joined on August 11th, 2020
Creature: Weebl Weebl
Creature: E49V5 Bloodwing
Creature: SQg17 Breeze
Creature: HLevK Copper
Creature: eJ67E Corn
Creature: Ktvdv Gaia
Creature: ytGOU Gout
Creature: OjW4A Luminescent
Creature: XcMQB Menace
Creature: j79So Moss
Creature: 4t8yG Mosswing
Creature: MzgJv Night Sky
Creature: waCFO Quiet
Creature: 1jpma Rain
Creature: PtfmU Ranger
Creature: yGlMm Rust
Creature: Vo6tb Scout
Creature: 6ReRf Silence
Creature: g5Vha Silent Sword
Creature: zuQro Soft Fire
Creature: NRCZ7 Softness
Creature: fqnac Stripes
Creature: REiDp Sunrise
Creature: LvGWX Sunset
Creature: zZOEn Susurration
Creature: vxw3V Voxel
Creature: unWr2 Whisper
Creature: n4yGG Wicked
Creature: L3jPF Zephyr