The Final Outpost

pinkgothic's lab

As you enter the lab, you see various 3D-printed miniature skeletons arranged on one of the broad tables. Judging by the hand-drawn posters on the walls, it looks like the inhabitant of this particular unit has sunk their teeth into the phylogeny and paleontology of the lost years, trying to reconstruct the evolution of the creatures that now populate the world.
  • pinkgothic has 5620 creatures
  • Joined on August 11th, 2020
Creature: Q5Y3I Autumn
Creature: BYGRC Charcoal
Creature: SUoDF Chocolate
Creature: ldNRJ Darkness
Creature: kdaX5 Felidae
Creature: VfLBO Gingerbread
Creature: SBDHi Goldpelt
Creature: IbLIs Iblis
Creature: 7uRUX Leopard
Creature: 95Ujn Nightshade
Creature: Z44Tf Penumbra
Creature: rAVPx Ravage
Creature: kbjjH Sharp
Creature: dW1Uj Tiger
Creature: ItPg1 Too Like Lightning
Creature: EuMKQ Wood Carving