The Final Outpost

pinkgothic's lab

As you enter the lab, you see various 3D-printed miniature skeletons arranged on one of the broad tables. Judging by the hand-drawn posters on the walls, it looks like the inhabitant of this particular unit has sunk their teeth into the phylogeny and paleontology of the lost years, trying to reconstruct the evolution of the creatures that now populate the world.
  • pinkgothic has 5620 creatures
  • Joined on August 11th, 2020
Creature: BcvoR Alpine
Creature: 52WGi Bubblegum
Creature: aMV15 Champignon
Creature: 33gfL Chocolate
Creature: Qsi1L Citrus
Creature: JpH1C Clay
Creature: rWdKK Doll
Creature: aXJRW Dust
Creature: F1Ugl Eggwhite
Creature: AYAdb Frostbite
Creature: 8Lajz Fynbos
Creature: O8qqS Garden
Creature: 9DggK Glacier
Creature: dpEKv Growler
Creature: YtWWt Harm
Creature: HIRKb Iceberg
Creature: gQzKB Kumquat
Creature: 6qUn1 Meringue
Creature: DlQ1M Midnight
Creature: ySPUr Moon
Creature: siuYq Morel
Creature: DAbkp Mud
Creature: AkhDv Murder
Creature: gEEJp Oilspill
Creature: mrFmo Pearl
Creature: EnycA Peel
Creature: ekHQx Plush
Creature: kAR31 Rebellion
Creature: uZXN0 Rime
Creature: 6US44 Rind
Creature: avEUN Rose
Creature: 3s0cb Rush
Creature: iNlYM Savanna
Creature: jhO7P Slaughter
Creature: uWgIj Soil
Creature: cQwSS Taiga
Creature: swnh3 Truffle
Creature: Y7BTX Tundra
Creature: uf43g Vein
Creature: aS4GH Wonder
Creature: dIGRy Worn
Creature: 6FKii Yoghurt