The Final Outpost

pinkgothic's lab

As you enter the lab, you see various 3D-printed miniature skeletons arranged on one of the broad tables. Judging by the hand-drawn posters on the walls, it looks like the inhabitant of this particular unit has sunk their teeth into the phylogeny and paleontology of the lost years, trying to reconstruct the evolution of the creatures that now populate the world.
  • pinkgothic has 5617 creatures
  • Joined on August 11th, 2020
Creature: AcqdA Acid
Creature: 4REsh An-uxhwi
Creature: Pf4IL Arrow
Creature: TbSbR Artery
Creature: UHgKx Aurora
Creature: tprj8 Avocado
Creature: YGccM Ballpoint
Creature: XEgvb Blue
Creature: 9neYl Burnt
Creature: Bo6rd Cardboard
Creature: CMTzq Carpetburn
Creature: hKUxm Carrion
Creature: lkVGR Carved
Creature: BNz8E Carving
Creature: r3Kr5 Cataclysm
Creature: Avm61 Chalk
Creature: U7nz9 Circus
Creature: k9kio Citrus
Creature: hMt0X Coal
Creature: 9YMZr Cocoa Powder
Creature: YBvIQ Cream Cheese
Creature: AGhQX Crisp
Creature: vdKKI Curse
Creature: dZaZL Dazzle
Creature: kLZob Deep Rift
Creature: cQJFV Disease
Creature: lvIEn Eleven
Creature: gv3bR Engraved
Creature: yifdg Erfindung
Creature: fejDM Fried
Creature: P83pQ Frost
Creature: vNASf Fruit
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Creature: ICFjX Glacier
Creature: fdGjk Glass Cut
Creature: iEly5 Glow
Creature: i4pRQ Gold
Creature: MkQVa Goldscar
Creature: hwbIB Graphite
Creature: jN3hH Guava
Creature: HlOrK Hillock
Creature: xHoLu Holu
Creature: b7gap Ice
Creature: LUaiU In Lieu
Creature: smdvz Incandescence
Creature: fQH2H Inflammation
Creature: JGVo7 Jovian
Creature: 4frbj Laceration
Creature: BJ293 Lavender