The Final Outpost

pinkgothic's lab

As you enter the lab, you see various 3D-printed miniature skeletons arranged on one of the broad tables. Judging by the hand-drawn posters on the walls, it looks like the inhabitant of this particular unit has sunk their teeth into the phylogeny and paleontology of the lost years, trying to reconstruct the evolution of the creatures that now populate the world.
  • pinkgothic has 5670 creatures
  • Joined on August 11th, 2020
Creature: KrGK4 Krakatau
Creature: KRkKa Labyrinth
Creature: DDbNr Lambda
Creature: 1jPn6 Lavender
Creature: V18hE Lawrence
Creature: IateB Lethe
Creature: 7bx6l Lilac
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Creature: 2YfOc Locke
Creature: LnYDS Lynda
Creature: m1aJm Malma
Creature: CO0N5 Marble
Creature: 1Tkht Martian
Creature: MEby9 Maybe Nine Lives
Creature: tkIIx Maze
Creature: MtaWQ Melon
Creature: M5bml Mended
Creature: P5EBc Mists
Creature: jJVDC Moss
Creature: ILw7Q Namibia
Creature: VZnap Nap
Creature: yrJmV Nebelschatten
Creature: lzylx Obsidian
Creature: dD1s3 Pa-wraith
Creature: DGW2P Pale Blood
Creature: OOq1V Panthera
Creature: asQFq Penumbra
Creature: AN2jx Phenomenon
Creature: pjLrz Plaid
Creature: 4r8ja Plinth
Creature: pqoMK Plum
Creature: Bn5eF Porcelain
Creature: DxGrg Razor
Creature: irexq Regina
Creature: 7HA60 Rhal
Creature: VM1sE Rich
Creature: rN2B3 Rinsal
Creature: RJs4x Ritzer
Creature: kzSbN Royal
Creature: XItKz Royal Patchwork
Creature: tXjmP Rust
Creature: eLa7B Rusted
Creature: A3q3L Sahara
Creature: NVon1 Sandstone
Creature: HFoBY Sculpture
Creature: tQFOr Seejey
Creature: sIKCg Sick Burn
Creature: fU4fV Skye
Creature: w0Tzt Snowmelt
Creature: iBfCM Snowwhite