Tala2121's Lab - The Final Outpost
The Final Outpost

Welcome to The Final Outpost!

The Final Outpost is an adoptable site where the goal is to discover and breed new variations of creatures. Discover new breeds through quests and hunting on the site.
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Tala2121's Lab

  • Tala2121 has 3624 creatures
  • Joined at 6:03 am, 30/11/2020
Badge Winter Solstice 2023
Badge Halloween 2023
Badge Winter Solstice 2022 (Mixologist)
Badge Winter Solstice 2022
Badge Halloween 2022
Badge Summer Event 2022
Badge Winter Solstice 2021 (Gold)
Badge Halloween 2021 (Bronze)

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is Tala2121's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.

Creature: IYk2k Ilk II
Creature: Tk8rd Kard II
Creature: WEIEc Weiek II
Creature: FtpQZ Stranga Sciuro - Strange Squirrel
Creature: SnUCi Snuci
Creature: C7B7d Speedwell
Creature: yCZIL Yggdrasil
Creature: RMQ8U Ramaqeu
Creature: cnTtU Canttu
Creature: jNLFP Jinelp
Creature: a0U5H Wicked Acoustics II
Creature: oxsY9 Oxseye
Creature: culh4 Culhan
Creature: AnKky Ankky Wing
Creature: 9Tsx3 Atse Sheltered
Creature: LUU5U Luulu
Creature: yRi9j Yriai
Creature: M1CAt Micah
Creature: rayuh Rayuh
Creature: GQMiE Gomie
Creature: 4UDbO Audibo
Creature: WOCkB Wocke
Creature: paybk Payback
Creature: Ieawp Leawp
Creature: 3rIeZ Erlez Sheltered
Creature: 1bekO Ibeko
Creature: MsNiY Ms.Niy
Creature: 4RxMe Areme
Creature: A1edT Aled
Creature: WELIy Welly
Creature: hYdpa Hydpa
Creature: ndPkA Pikand
Creature: SslCo Sisco
Creature: IpEm2 Alpine
Creature: z0Ifm Mozart
Creature: IljjY Iljjy
Creature: d4Cnt Decant
Creature: GoaeI Goael
Creature: j2psN Jespan
Creature: tyexh Tye
Creature: 17VEn Itven
Creature: UGtZg Ugyrza Sheltered
Creature: KaA3T Kaast
Creature: bRouX Broux
Creature: jUnTA Junta
Creature: mXdyT Maxdyt
Creature: ArK4R Arkar
Creature: IfnEf Ifnef
Creature: kpjgm Kipgem
Creature: ohkcO Ohkco
