Leela's Lab - The Final Outpost
The Final Outpost

Welcome to The Final Outpost!

The Final Outpost is an adoptable site where the goal is to discover and breed new variations of creatures. Discover new breeds through quests and hunting on the site.
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Leela's Lab

  • Leela has 647 creatures
  • Joined at 8:12 pm, 02/11/2023
Badge Winter Solstice 2023
Badge Halloween 2023
Badge Beta Tester

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is Leela's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.

Creature: MgAET Magaet oox WU RU aaBbCc oxo JD aabbCC xoo
Creature: hqbVA hqbVA
Creature: eSFEE eSFEE
Creature: 3H1Ke Zreaitsh Hikee
Creature: BSnzE Bees Nozee Qinfiel
Creature: k9Pgz Kayn'Ine Peegizzle
Creature: 2JMID Tootoom Jmeed
Creature: F4X2d Fakstoodee Kendel Shasys
Creature: bv5Z7 Beeveefai Veezedeven
Creature: BKeWO Beekee Kedubuvo
Creature: wn6RC wn6RC
Creature: 7srWo 7srWo
Creature: 86XFB Oberlude
Creature: 2yCPx Toowycee Pee'aks
Creature: 25elb Hidden 25th Elb
Creature: mpu5v Empee Ufivee
Creature: 6pU3q Seekspute Reeq
Creature: HyHHd Kaytothawhy Tothaaitshai'tshdee
Creature: IlDB2 Iyel Deebto Fatumal
Creature: 82SGd Kandees Sucka
Creature: DE9MW Deenyne Amdubyoo
Creature: 3jXUA Xeejay Exyooai
Creature: BpFsb Beeseffpee Bee
Creature: 9awwB Loves the Look in the Mirror
Creature: YiCdE Wycee Dee'Lorsan
Creature: T4OqX Tao Oquux
Creature: aa3Zk AiAicree Zadkay
Creature: D0ZI0 Dozio Idozo
Creature: MVDaE Emveeday Deemanee
Creature: 39NAc Sreena'neen Acee Lethonel
Creature: rI2qI Arelle Tokuel
Creature: H66uE Aitshsixxysixs Seeksjooie
Creature: IzKAK Izadkay Aikay
Creature: 5l7NP Picture of Dorian Gray
Creature: hMIHr Aitsh Miaitshar
Creature: xfwkj Ekceev Dubjookjai
Creature: sxMAq The Saxxmaq Yoo
Creature: 2cBT0 2cBT0
Creature: TBxiW Mary Shelley's Picture
Creature: JOj1A Jo Jayonai
Creature: Vjdv4 Vjdv4
Creature: AnVkY AnVkY
Creature: frg7N frg7N
Creature: miYLA miYLA
Creature: AjNkn AjNkn
Creature: BcAFY BcAFY
Creature: 744AS 744AS
Creature: WxCVn WxCVn
Creature: ZkY2S ZkY2S
