Viewing Pilimaj Haribo
Father: Unknown
Unknown Pedigree
Father: Unknown
Unknown Pedigree
Hardiness: 113
Appearance: 166
Hardiness: 113
Appearance: 166
10:59 29.08.2020
Emerged: 18:18 30.08.2020
Matured: Unknown
Emerged: 18:18 30.08.2020
Matured: Unknown
Small and fat, this lethargic juvenile moves only to find another source of food. It is almost constantly eating. Much of its time is spent underwater, though occasionally it will creep onto dry ground before retreating to its watery home. As it develops, it spends more and more time out of the water. It dislikes being handled and will struggle and nip with its sharp mandibles until released.
Creature Notes
- a lackadaisical error lead to the birth of this creature, born of both sinew and sweets, a candied conglomerate of science gone horridly wrong.
- within the lab, its capsule was mistaken for tupperware - a mistake only achievable by the most amateur of scientists. therewithin, a tossed gummy worm festered and mutated with the cells of new life.
- upon realizing its mistake, the amateur scientist most likely abandoned it to perish at the shelter. nevertheless, it persisted through the rough mutations of its pupal stage, flourishing into a cross between the usual cielarka cimo, and the gummies.
- this creature has a rather sticky consistency compared to the sleek texture of its peers. it is sedentary, preferring to bask in the solitude of discarded plastic. it seems to be stuck in a larval state.
Art by: Dohaerys.
Descriptions by: Shark.