The Final Outpost
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Viewing Shiner

Creature: lh2IZ
Name: Shiner
Breed: Pompaca Floro
Gender: Male
Owner: ScreethTheMoth
Age: 1 year, 11 months, 1 week
Views: 173
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Unknown Pedigree
Happiness: 134
Hardiness: 5
Appearance: 328
Obtained: 23:59 04.04.2023
Emerged: 7:44 06.04.2023
Matured: 13:29 08.04.2023

While small, the Pompaca Floro is every bit as fierce as it is flashy. These arthropods prefer hot, humid climates with lots of rainfall and plenty of cover from direct sunlight. They are often found in dense piles of foliage or even rotting tree trunks during the night and rainstorms. Pompaca Floros spend much of their mornings basking in the sun and are most active during the afternoon and evening when the day is hottest. During this time, Pompaca Floros will hunt for food, which generally consists of other insects, though they will eat whatever they can catch. They are also capable swimmers and can even breathe underwater with the fan-like structures on their abdomens in order to hunt small fish and amphibians. Despite this, Pompaca Floros prefer terrestrial hunting, as the relative coldness of the water soon forces them back to dry land.

The creatures that dwell in this rather desolate world still display some diversity in appearance, eating habits, and social behavior. Whether they have fur or feathers, skin or scales, their unique genetic makeup allows for a variety of colors and markings within each species. Despite limitations in food sources, herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores are all present in the food chain, and each species requires specialized care within a laboratory. Although the artificial setting of housing units and breeding pods precludes most opportunities to study true interspecific behavior, the interactions within and between species has been studied extensively in the wilderness by scientists daring enough to venture beyond the outpost’s walls.

Creature Notes
  • As you wander around the lab you often see this Pompaca Floro accompanying Screeth around the lab. it appears to function as an assistant and companion, carrying notes and pointing you around when you ask it where a certain room is.
  • When questioning Screeth about this she simply states it's been around as long as she can remember and never wishes to leave. Trying to get close to it yields nothing of interest as the creature simply walks away to find Screeth
  • On closer inspection it appears to prefer people over others of it's kind, it's attention always going towards any human that enters the room it is currently in.
  • It appears to have either clones, or Screeth is collecting other Pompaca Floro that look like it. There are several more with a similar appearance in a terrarium in the Foyer
Art by: Dohaerys. Descriptions by: rosastrasza.