The Final Outpost
By viewing this creature, you have leveled up its happiness + 4 points.

Viewing g2xsN

Creature: g2xsN
Name: Unnamed
Breed: Frida Fisisto This is a seasonal species.

View checklist

Gender: Female
Owner: cabuso
Age: 2 days, 2 hours, 25 minutes
Views: 3
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Unknown Pedigree
Happiness: 24
Hardiness: 10
Appearance: 8
Obtained: 2:36 05.01.2025
Emerged: 12:27 06.01.2025
Matured: Unknown
Genetics: Unknown

Covered in a dense layer of soft down, this juvenile makes high-pitched peeping sounds every time it spots its caretaker. It can often be spotted eagerly exploring its immediate surroundings, so long as its parents or other chicks are nearby. However, it tends to shy away from heights and will crouch and chirp frantically if pushed close to the edge of such a drop.

Art by: Virida. Descriptions by: Shark,rosastrasza.