The Final Outpost
By viewing this creature, you have leveled up its happiness + 4 points.

Viewing feySU

Creature: feySU
Name: Unnamed
Breed: Toksa Muko Species available to unlock in 10 days, 19 hours and 41 minutes
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Gender: Female
Owner: Ciar
Age: 2 days, 21 minutes, 11 seconds
Views: 20
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Unknown Pedigree
Happiness: 107
Hardiness: 22
Appearance: 10
Obtained: 4:57 18.10.2024
Emerged: 10:59 19.10.2024
Matured: Unknown
Genetics: Unknown

This juvenile leaves a trail of viscous slime everywhere it creeps. It has a ravenous appetite, and although it will eat plant matter, it seems to prefer raw meat, especially rotting carrion. As it grows, its mucus layer becomes even thicker and begins to harden in spots.

Art by: Virida. Descriptions by: Shark,phoenixstag.