Viewing Tokomon

Hardiness: 48
Appearance: 7
Hardiness: 48
Appearance: 7
15:57 27.02.2024
Emerged: 1:08 29.02.2024
Matured: Unknown
Emerged: 1:08 29.02.2024
Matured: Unknown
Despite its small size, this furry juvenile should not be underestimated. Its sharp, needlelike teeth grew in about three weeks after it was born, and since then it is quick to tear through whatever meat it is given with a surprising ferocity. Regular grooming is important to keep its fur clean and neat, either by a parent or by a surrogate—though scientists should wear thick gloves when working with them to avoid injury from their dangerously venomous bites.
Art by: Dohaerys,Malcorium.
Descriptions by: Shark.