The Final Outpost
By viewing this creature, you have leveled up its happiness + 5 points.

Viewing R4tmX

Creature: R4tmX
Name: Unnamed
Breed: Klipeta Kapto
Gender: Female
Owner: Nokomis_Nitir
Age: 2 days, 16 hours, 39 minutes
Views: 2
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Unknown Pedigree
Happiness: 18
Hardiness: 10
Appearance: 6
Obtained: 12:24 07.01.2025
Emerged: 20:56 08.01.2025
Matured: Unknown
Genetics: Unknown

Although its pinchers are rather small, this juvenile can cause a lot of pain if it catches an unwary researcher’s finger, and its tight hold is often difficult to dislodge. It uses the same tight grip to hold on to food. When not feeding, it spends most of its time hidden beneath the substrate or wandering in search of a better hunting spot.

Art by: Malcorium. Descriptions by: Shark.