The Final Outpost

Viewing QMM08

Creature: QMM08
Name: Unnamed
Breed: Transira Alsalto
Gender: Female
Owner: Atlantica
Age: Stunted
Views: 2
Happiness: 11
Hardiness: 53
Appearance: 2
Obtained: 8:26 28.07.2021
Emerged: 2:02 30.07.2021
Matured: Unknown
Genetics: Unknown

This juvenile resembles a normal Alsalto kit from the tip of its pointy nose to its soft, fluffy tails. It appears to be in perfect health and has a healthy appetite, though its rate of growth is slightly slower than that of a nonhybrid. When it isn’t playing with other kits, it can be found curled up napping.

Art by: Corteo,infinis. Descriptions by: Shark.