Viewing Laika
Father: Unknown
Unknown Pedigree
Father: Unknown
Unknown Pedigree
Hardiness: 10
Appearance: 4
Hardiness: 10
Appearance: 4
2:10 24.01.2021
Emerged: 19:39 25.01.2021
Matured: Unknown
Emerged: 19:39 25.01.2021
Matured: Unknown
This fluffy juvenile always rises with the sun, ready to play with anyone and anything available. If no other entertainment is to be found, it’ll spend hours chasing its own tail until it is worn out and ready for a nap. It is quite vocal, making soft squeaks when excited and deeper growls or barks when scared or annoyed. When kept with other juveniles, it shares its food willingly, a surprisingly mature choice for such a young creature.
Creature Notes
- Laika has tried to escape the lab on multiple occasions when other scientists come to visit us, she's too curious for her own good. I've installed a gate inside the door so she can't bolt out into the hallway whenever someone comes in.
- This hundo pup and I developed a very strong bond. She follows me as I check up on all my projects throughout the day and is friendly towards anyone who visits our lab. I chose to stunt her growth so she doesn't grow too big to keep indoors.
Art by: Malcorium.
Descriptions by: Shark.