The Final Outpost
By viewing this creature, you have leveled up its happiness + 3 points.

Viewing 861wb

Creature: 861wb
Name: Unnamed
Breed: Pompaca Floro
Gender: Male
Owner: Pixiemisa
Age: 2 days, 16 hours, 56 minutes
Views: 16
Happiness: 77
Hardiness: 50
Appearance: 5
Obtained: 14:44 07.01.2025
Emerged: 23:46 08.01.2025
Matured: Unknown
Genetics: Unknown

This tiny juvenile spends almost all of its time hiding. Sticking to shaded areas, it only ventures out occasionally in search of food—which is anything it can get in its claws. With each consecutive molt, markings and anatomical features begin to develop and its exoskeleton becomes more vibrant.

Art by: Dohaerys. Descriptions by: rosastrasza.