The Final Outpost
By viewing this creature, you have leveled up its happiness + 4 points.

Viewing 34TUP

Creature: 34TUP
Name: Unnamed
Breed: Flirtanta Flamo
Gender: Male
Owner: RebelliousRat
Age: 3 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes
Views: 24
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Unknown Pedigree
Happiness: 124
Hardiness: 30
Appearance: 4
Obtained: 6:43 28.12.2024
Emerged: 17:36 29.12.2024
Matured: Unknown
Genetics: Unknown

Upon emerging, this miniscule juvenile hastily ascended the nearest plant that it could find and only stopped when it could climb no farther. It then plunged its proboscis into the plant before pupating. While stationary, the pupa’s chitinous chrysalis is quite sturdy, and despite not consuming much sustenance as a larva, it draws nutrition through the cremaster anchoring it to its host plant.

Art by: schenanigans. Descriptions by: rosastrasza.