Progeny of AaBB-F1-M - Vikelo
with (AABb-F1-W-mix - Lagelixa)
- (AABb-F2-W-mix - Xilira) bred at 10:10 24.03.2022
- (AaBB-F2-W-mix - Gizdoa) bred at 9:45 25.03.2022
with (AABB-F1-W - How-Good)
- (AABB-F2-W-mix - Vievian) bred at 11:27 29.03.2022
with (aaBB-F1-W - Ammen)
- (aaBB-F2-W - Kuola) bred at 12:10 07.04.2022
with (AaBb-F1-W - Zebenba)
- (AABb-F2-M-mix - Barbecue) bred at 20:57 30.04.2022
- (Igmund) bred at 7:32 01.05.2022
with (aaBB-F1-W - Citrina)
- (aaBB-F2-W-mix - Rugaji) bred at 6:48 09.05.2022
with (aaBB-F1-W - Beiga)
- (aaBB-F2-W-mix - Quidessa) bred at 6:14 19.05.2022
with (AaBB-F1-W - Warnflagge)
- (AaBB-F2-M - Dibero) bred at 9:45 11.08.2022
with (aaBb-F1-W - Szefira)
- (aaBb-F2-W - Xodine) bred at 10:19 01.09.2022