Progeny of P0-M-AaBBcc - Suedseetraum
with (P0-W-aabbCc - Dotty)
- (F1-M-AaBbCc - Braunscheck) bred at 1:29 30.04.2022
with (P0-W-Aabbcc - Sonnengold)
- (F1-W-AaBbcc - Nefine) bred at 13:36 06.07.2022
with (P0-W-AaBbCc - Merida)
- (F1-M-AABbcc - Sunbeam) bred at 10:42 18.07.2022
with (P0-W-aaBbCC - Moonface)
- (F1-M-AaBbCc - Matador) bred at 9:27 25.07.2022
with (P0-W-AabbCC - Goldsprenkel)
- (F1-M-aaBbCc - Stripes-in-the-Night) bred at 19:41 30.07.2022
with (P0-W-AaBBcc - Laterna)
- (F1-M-AABBcc - Violoko) bred at 9:57 14.08.2022
- (F1-W-aaBBcc - Cyntia) bred at 8:38 17.02.2023
with (P0-W-AABBcc - War-Queen)
- (F1-M-AaBBcc - Coralreef) bred at 14:02 15.03.2023