The Final Outpost

septarianflare's lab

You wander into Dr. Circini's lab, various tanks filling up a variety of both floor and wall space with either creatures or some form of potentially dubious samples. You nearly trip over some papers - nonsensical ramblings that may count as 'notes' littering the floor - which only further accentuates the littered empty capsules piled up in certain areas. Various creatures with nametags that seem to declare them some sort of doctor are rummaging about the space, either running amok or swimming freely. One wall is covered, and you're not quite sure if you want to know what is lurking there.
  • septarianflare has 954 creatures
  • Joined on May 15th, 2020
Creature: DrXEW DrXEW
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Creature: Dr41s Dr41s
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