The Final Outpost

samkee00's lab

Seeing a wide-open door, you enter the rather whimsical-looking lab and take a look around. Creature habitats are set up normally, but they are surrounded by dozens of old capsules filled with everything from marbles and sea glass to terrariums and what you discover are carefully labeled, handmade inks. One wall is dominated by a bulletin board that would be straight out of a crime drama, if the subject matter wasn't apparently the resident scientist's efforts to figure out how dragons could possibly exist and where they might be found. A paper on the desk informs you she is out for a snack.
  • samkee00 has 2711 creatures
  • Joined on May 22nd, 2020
Creature: O2x2x O2x2x - Six-Pack of Dos Equis
Creature: rAKV8 rAKV8 - V8
Creature: swiL8 swiL8 - Swill
Creature: uVEsL uVEsL - UV
Creature: H0Pl1 H0Pl1 - Hop
Creature: jUgFd jUgFd - Jug
Creature: MlBAR MlBAR - Minibar
Creature: PKcKX PKcKX - Pick Axe Blonde Ale
Creature: YdOs0 YdOs0 - Bootleg Dos Equis
Creature: F1tOJ F1tOJ - OJ
Creature: B3urs B3urs - Beers
Creature: buBV0 buBV0 - Bubbly
Creature: eKnOg eKnOg - Eggnog
Creature: kRY2x kRY2x - Dos Equis
Creature: ojkeY ojkeY - Key Lime OJ
Creature: tAPh2 tAPh2 - On Tap
Creature: ALebm ALebm - Ale
Creature: aquDc aquDc - Aquatic. It's Water
Creature: Gdmix Gdmix - Good Mix
Creature: GLRUM GLRUM - Rum
Creature: jUICZ jUICZ - Juices
Creature: mlGiN mlGiN - Milliliter of Gin
Creature: mLzXz mLzXz - Milliliter
Creature: MmSdh MmSdh - Mm Soda
Creature: SKCKj SKCKj - Suck
Creature: uvFip uvFip - UV
Creature: bIeeR bIeeR - Bleary Beer
Creature: c5pyC c5pyC - Spicy Fireball
Creature: SEciQ SEciQ - Triple Sec
Creature: aqZU4 aqZU4 - Aqua
Creature: JUIcs JUIcs - Juices
Creature: MJc4n MJc4n - Can
Creature: oYum0 oYum0 - Yum
Creature: RuM8k RuM8k - Expensive Rum
Creature: 0koJy 0koJy - Okay OJ
Creature: btab2 btab2 - Bar Tab
Creature: F1zZ8 F1zZ8 - Fizz
Creature: TEAOx TEAOx - Tea
Creature: v65OY v65OY - Soy Milk
Creature: mhug9 mhug9 - Hug in a Mug
Creature: 907xx 907xx - Dos Equis
Creature: zWXxx zWXxx - XXX
Creature: dM1Xu dM1Xu - Drink Mix
Creature: GGubQ GGubQ - Gubba
Creature: giNkZ giNkZ - Gin
Creature: NA7uP NA7uP - 7-Up
Creature: OutAr OutAr - Outer Planet Brewing
Creature: T2uVG T2uVG - UV
Creature: TOXnv TOXnv - Toxin V
Creature: vzAv8 vzAv8 - V8