The Final Outpost

samkee00's lab

Seeing a wide-open door, you enter the rather whimsical-looking lab and take a look around. Creature habitats are set up normally, but they are surrounded by dozens of old capsules filled with everything from marbles and sea glass to terrariums and what you discover are carefully labeled, handmade inks. One wall is dominated by a bulletin board that would be straight out of a crime drama, if the subject matter wasn't apparently the resident scientist's efforts to figure out how dragons could possibly exist and where they might be found. A paper on the desk informs you she is out for a snack.
  • samkee00 has 2715 creatures
  • Joined on May 22nd, 2020
Creature: 2Em1d 2Em1d
Creature: YkDrq YkDrq
Creature: hx88w hx88w
Creature: o4kRo o4kRo
Creature: pHLt1 pHLt1
Creature: oR2Uc CG Cold Snowflake on Paw
Creature: lwKlN CG Crackle of Distant Fire
Creature: dtpOH CG Depths of Shadowed Cavern
Creature: DOVca CG Distant Eagle's Cry
Creature: G1GaV CG Drip of Water on Stone
Creature: OfzQ4 CG Field of Jagged Rock
Creature: QRYeD CG Ice That Conquers Stone
Creature: rKUXg CG Leather of Bat's Wing
Creature: dbWzw CG Roll of Distant Thunder
Creature: MxNcD CG Rustle of Fallen Leaves
Creature: dYhLF CG Scent of Cool Herbs
Creature: UqSu8 CG Sharp Metallic Scent
Creature: 7kIre CG Sharp Scent of Blood
Creature: YA00k CG Sharp Snap of Thunder
Creature: G7YlV CG Smooth Sheet of Ice
Creature: qZeHd CG Tail of Stinging Insect
Creature: GJz7Z E Sharp Stones Beneath Paws
Creature: Gach2 E Slick Ice Against Cliffs
Creature: qotJc H Teller of the Pointed Stones
Creature: yd9D4 HTB Storm of Crackling Sparks
Creature: H9N49 K Creek Trickling Over Stone
Creature: SOweU KM Creaking Branch
Creature: prFhO KM Crest of Eagle's Flight
Creature: P6rx6 KM Dew on Soft Moss
Creature: PS992 KM Scattered Pebbles
Creature: dHoti PH Cliffside Slick With Mud
Creature: VOOI3 PH Crag Sheltered from Wind
Creature: Ob0Tw PH Crunch of Snow Underpaw
Creature: XYRYo PH Distant Howl of Wolves
Creature: 4RRAa PH Hunter Crouched in Moss
Creature: qsVvm PH Lichen Crusted on Roots
Creature: 61uys PH Lichen Growing Amongst Moss
Creature: 7dof9 PH Luring Scent of Mint
Creature: E9jEt PH Night Sky Whispers
Creature: ztUAv PH Nook Where Bats Roost
Creature: itYoR PH Quiet Breeze Through Tunnel
Creature: keeHF PH Rough Bark of Gnarled Tree
Creature: 9XosV PH Scent of Prey on Breeze
Creature: YcRep PH Shivering Pawsteps on Ice
Creature: JAifV PH Shuffling Paws on Stone
Creature: qSiGk PH Silent Gliding Vulture
Creature: rxKhP PH Smooth Scales of the Snake
Creature: yx8DC PH Snap of Sudden Fire
Creature: gXX7n PH Soft Rabbit's Fur
Creature: fBa29 PH Touch of Soundless Pawsteps