The Final Outpost

samkee00's lab

Seeing a wide-open door, you enter the rather whimsical-looking lab and take a look around. Creature habitats are set up normally, but they are surrounded by dozens of old capsules filled with everything from marbles and sea glass to terrariums and what you discover are carefully labeled, handmade inks. One wall is dominated by a bulletin board that would be straight out of a crime drama, if the subject matter wasn't apparently the resident scientist's efforts to figure out how dragons could possibly exist and where they might be found. A paper on the desk informs you she is out for a snack.
  • samkee00 has 2715 creatures
  • Joined on May 22nd, 2020
Creature: tbiPV Ezylryb
Creature: eNo4E Facehugging
Creature: lWWFy Fade Sapient
Creature: b06QL Fairy Parasol
Creature: C87Vp Fings of Wire
Creature: Vsp99 Flashbang
Creature: XnUqK Gimme a Kiss
Creature: 30sAB Oh Wormbird
Creature: XIKc6 Oough
Creature: 4l8wr Roasted Turkey
Creature: rWUWU Screaming Complimentary Colors
Creature: hEwyd Shimmerscale
Creature: zIi9f Sword of the Family Crest
Creature: 6eKfh Tabula Rasa But With Tentacles
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Creature: M9PBT Turkey Vulture
Creature: xYqnY Unmagicked
Creature: bnS2t Wings of Fire
Creature: 3Vyjs 3Vyjs
Creature: JUJNl JUJNl
Creature: XZ00E Bigspot
Creature: tHgSr Can't tell if these guys are the same
Creature: gsWSu Cheeto Diver
Creature: IfYSI Chimney Diver
Creature: fouJ2 Ezylryb
Creature: yMtQo GAME STOP
Creature: J9OsV Inedible Commercial Food
Creature: AJYQA Is This A Mammal or a Bird
Creature: Rxg9W It's Just The Vibes
Creature: HmBGS Leopard Gecko
Creature: FUm1b Lightly Toasted
Creature: wHWhP Like this has to be the same one
Creature: vkZ8t OOO EEE
Creature: bRRht Pinnacle of Bird Adjacent
Creature: zzesW seriously
Creature: eNgew Single-Use
Creature: eTPrG TTRPG
Creature: 9buMt Weet
Creature: D1l4P D1l4P
Creature: KEeLK KEeLK
Creature: OaX75 OaX75
Creature: a8uoy a8uoy
Creature: caPFy caPFy
Creature: d8ubt d8ubt
Creature: o8OZO o8OZO
Creature: oAWO2 oAWO2
Creature: orCoL orCoL
Creature: trUJI trUJI
Creature: KTILF Assorted Melons