The Final Outpost

redwolftrash's lab

You see a name over a door damaged with a variety of animal marks. The name reads 'spencer', and you find the lack of surname and decapitalized first name strange. You hesitantly enter the lab out of curiosity regardless, though. "Do people know how to KNOCK before entering?" The first sight you're granted on entering the lab is a 5'0 man with partially blond hair looking at brightly colored wool tufts in his left hand. "My name is Spencer. Welcome to my lab. I'm currently researching Safidos. Make yourself at home, I guess, since you already have with your silence." He huffs irritably.
  • redwolftrash has 1955 creatures
  • Joined on February 28th, 2021
Creature: n43GX Nisice
Creature: 1h3xF Haselphise
Creature: Dn0mX Depherios
Creature: 6xnaa Xiredice
Creature: pgcAP Paphysios
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Creature: PAAsK Phrixilis
Creature: o2up5 Othrophise
Creature: 5rk7Y Ralmethon
Creature: Sfic1 Saficineus
Creature: Ybt3f Yabthefis
Creature: zvyBr Zavyaboron
Creature: oVZW8 Ovzeawabius
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Creature: z4Qbq Zaqubiaque
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Creature: hs2fV Hespsefivos
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Creature: 8gUwd Breguwedusa
Creature: pfcRv Pefscrevous
Creature: zbp6s Zebpesges
Creature: 9RWDp Quorwidepe
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