The Final Outpost

redwolftrash's lab

You see a name over a door damaged with a variety of animal marks. The name reads 'spencer', and you find the lack of surname and decapitalized first name strange. You hesitantly enter the lab out of curiosity regardless, though. "Do people know how to KNOCK before entering?" The first sight you're granted on entering the lab is a 5'0 man with partially blond hair looking at brightly colored wool tufts in his left hand. "My name is Spencer. Welcome to my lab. I'm currently researching Safidos. Make yourself at home, I guess, since you already have with your silence." He huffs irritably.
  • redwolftrash has 1955 creatures
  • Joined on February 28th, 2021
Creature: MVFS4 MVFS4
Creature: NQvZn NQvZn
Creature: zFzIi zFzIi
Creature: VM6hx Vymys
Creature: G0yoS Goyosea
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Creature: 4SDe0 Asdeg
Creature: tYDDZ Tyrdrak
Creature: jDDYN Jandyus
Creature: c7pOD Conkirus
Creature: Rw7D7 Rehzen
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Creature: Zl3eW Zeldew
Creature: 8CWVx Cwyvyx
Creature: THl0w Tymius
Creature: EcC4o Eramis
Creature: h31m9 Henprix
Creature: rS2Lj Resdira
Creature: O8RCL Oneniras
Creature: 2ZVmL Zunzius
Creature: WjjEP Wysvia
Creature: eHDT7 Ertidax
Creature: eJeLp Zateus
Creature: rwhJw Roveus 'Submerged Ruins'