The Final Outpost

randomLurker's lab

The inside of this lab is, quite frankly, boring. The room is nearly pitch black, except for the light coming from the hall which only really lights up a desk covered in papers and boxes. You can't see a light switch anywhere and Its eerily quiet. Turning around and closing the door behind yourself, you decide the files you wanted can wait until tomorrow.
  • randomLurker has 905 creatures
  • Joined on March 2nd, 2022
Creature: AmatG AmatG
Creature: nndME nndME
Creature: d862S d862S
Creature: 3XPAr 3XPAr
Creature: 2pcpP 2pcpP
Creature: VarbX VarbX
Creature: sDkie sDkie
Creature: WJvY3 WJvY3
Creature: 4shhe 4shhe
Creature: zsLsf zsLsf
Creature: OxUpR OxUpR
Creature: 0KN3D F1.0KN3D
Creature: 0L5DG F1.0L5DG
Creature: Dxp5G F1.Dxp5G
Creature: lqukw F1.lqukw
Creature: m1aIs F1.m1aIs
Creature: MuMwU F1.MuMwU
Creature: nfN0I F1.nfN0I
Creature: wEB8O F1.wEB8O
Creature: 151FQ G2.151FQ
Creature: G2sWY G2.G2sWY
Creature: 674C5 M1.674C5
Creature: bsADP M1.bsADP
Creature: E3N3a M1.E3N3a
Creature: ivAxE M1.ivAxE
Creature: qDwnD M1.qDwnD
Creature: NS75B M2.NS75B