The Final Outpost

randomLurker's lab

The inside of this lab is, quite frankly, boring. The room is nearly pitch black, except for the light coming from the hall which only really lights up a desk covered in papers and boxes. You can't see a light switch anywhere and Its eerily quiet. Turning around and closing the door behind yourself, you decide the files you wanted can wait until tomorrow.
  • randomLurker has 905 creatures
  • Joined on March 2nd, 2022
Creature: hiUlV 1-2-0, fG0, hiUlV
Creature: gVGAx 2-1-0, F0, gVGAx
Creature: biiTE 2-1-2, F0-biiTE !
Creature: WDwpg 2-2-0, M0-WDwpg
Creature: 548VJ 2-2-1, mG0, 548VJ
Creature: bBrtk 0-0-2, F0-bBrtk
Creature: hvoVm 0-1-1, F0-hvoVm
Creature: mgL35 0-1-1, G0, mgL35
Creature: h84YX 0-2-0, G0, h84YX
Creature: JAwU6 1-0-1, F0-JAwU6
Creature: 4VSXS 1-0-1, G0, 4VSXS 'Patriarch'
Creature: F7edr 1-0-1, M0 'Fredrick the first'
Creature: LiZe2 1-1-2, G0-LiZe2
Creature: tmFCQ 1-2-1. F0-tmFCQ
Creature: djie4 2-0-1, G0-djie4
Creature: 5Dr0y 2-1-1, G0-5Dr0y
Creature: d2dI8 0-0-1, M0-d2dI8
Creature: 5K8gy 0-0-2.F0.Skagy
Creature: LdRs6 0-1-1, G0, LdRs6
Creature: LCuRb 0-1-1, M0, LCuRb
Creature: F5tpW 0-2-0, M0, F5tpW
Creature: REikn 0-2-2, F0-REikn
Creature: kDtLV 0-2-2, M0-kDtLV
Creature: B65vq 1-1-0, F0-B65vq
Creature: xW6iL 2-0-1, F0, xW6iL
Creature: Lt7y7 2-2-2, M0, Lt7y7
Creature: iPp3Y 2-2-2,F0, iPp3Y
Creature: ddWaR 0-0-0, F0-ddWaR
Creature: cBULc 0-1-0, G0, cBULc
Creature: QCKyD 0-1-1, G0, QCKyD
Creature: YoKld 1-2-0, M0-YoKld
Creature: ooptd 2-0-1, F0-ooptd
Creature: Ic6nC 2-0-2, F0-Ic6nC
Creature: 53FcE 2-1-0, M0, 53FcE
Creature: pLSzk 2-2-0, M0-pLSzk
Creature: r8FAJ 2-2-2, M0-r8FAJ
Creature: 3Te45 0-0-2, F0-3Te45
Creature: 7jLfg 0-1-2, F0, 7jLfg
Creature: eFLcN 1-1-0, G0, eFLcN
Creature: Dd59X 1-1-1, F0-Dd59X
Creature: YlFCj 1-2-0, G0, YlFCj
Creature: Eq0HY 2-1-1, F0-Eq0HY