believe in your destiny's hand |
take shelter from the sun |
the rain will wash the sorrows away |
a hunter is a hunter, even in a dream |
a moon beating where a heart should be |
a tale of a wolf and a wildcat |
affection between friends |
all-terrain venomoth |
an almost animal type of magic |
an angel fell that night |
and i clawed my way out of your throat |
between marble and ice and rock |
big bolt of lightning hanging low |
born out of fear and love |
bright flashes of red |
carries the weight of dying stars |
colder than ice |
discordant notes of your memory |
don't say it's unholy |
dreams of crashing waves |
eaten or rotten, i am all mouth |
even bloodstained, you're beautiful |
for one to stand the others must fall |
frosted at the feathertips |
frozen at 3.45am |
fumbling with prophecies no one understood |
getting shivers all down my spine |
getting used to this hangover |
hit me with a text in the middle of the night |
i can fix him, says woman who is worse |
i could die tonight way out of my zone |
i eat rainbows for breakfast |
i'll - never - leave - you |
i'm not as pretty as you think i am |
it is not your wound but mine as well |
just to fill the empty spaces |
kneeling. praying. pious at my feet |
language you can't afford to forget |
let the papers float away |
love and death are the hinges that turn us |
love as being known |
mourn me when the sky falls |
music of explosions in the sky |
my dear sweet angel |
my heart's a veined temple |
neon signs and highway lights |
no one has ever walked your streets before |
no, you don't love me |