a tango of teeth and talon |
being adrift among the stars |
better things were possible |
devout to a god that ignores their pleas |
falling from grace with a cruel misstep |
found something unholy to believe in |
jaded to the world and their place in it |
no futures, no dreams |
problematic media enjoyer |
raised by indifference and a touch of cruelty |
the world bends around you |
a dance of fireflies |
abandoned shed cryptid |
arch-tempered disturbance |
beast in air, beast in water |
being so close to potential |
caffeine in my veins |
congregation of the fearless |
cracking, thunderous mountains |
denying ourselves the intimacy of it all |
f10. f10. start. go. |
fires that consume souls |
friday night lights |
glory to the ones who survived |
gushing gold |
haunted by the ghost of you |
heaven's ruinous light |
i always hated myself more |
ii. blue soil, so awkward |
ii. cheap brownie mix |
ii. just a simple tumbleweed |
ii. lost light, lonely light |
ii. oh, woe is me |
ii. overly-bright tree dweller |
ii. tokyo at night |
ii. tombstone love note |
ii. you took my heart |
iii. heartbreaker, earthshaker |
iii. woozy |
it may begin anew |
it'll be our little secret |
it's a freakshow! |
just trying to find purpose |
late nights in june |
let us fade away |
lovebombing minefield |
my love, don't sink |
ocean death runs deep |
pulled a gimmick i admit it |