a heap of rusted metal plunged into water |
a holy name on your skin in shaky breaths |
a meteorogical event |
a ripple distorted upon a moonlit reflection |
a smidge too hard to get |
a thousand petals, rustling in the wild |
alone at the end of the universe |
an introduction to the snow |
and reset all the sadness within me |
as if we were imprisoned |
beauty continuing to bloom, |
bitter words and fiery eyes |
bluetree star speckled grove |
do you see the same as me |
drawn by a certain presence |
for merely dreaming we were snow |
honeyed sunlight in a bottle |
i cried out, my mouth was full of bitterness |
i did not have the will to depart, |
i won't hesitate again |
i've overlooked this land for an eternity |
if i could have just one wish |
ii. gently please just tell me where they are |
ii. our favorite cherry tree |
ii. wow okami still makes me cry huh |
ii. you can't return to the past |
in a place long forgotten |
is it enough, to be young and in love |
loneliness is still time spent with the world |
nor the desire |
nostalgia isnt helping |
placed my fate into the hands of random gods |
pomegranate juice staining your skin |
sunspotted dreams |
the cliffs come alive with shrieking songs |
the end of a decaying god |
the end of the world is soft, and lonely |
the experience of new echoes |
the gift of life already given |
the seasons always find a way to change |
the sound of a car leaving the driveway |
this is how i want you to miss me |
this is where we are meant to be |
this moment-- right here |
to what destination do these memories reach |
what offering from the void could usurp |
when stars fill into the sea |
why did they always try to search for escape, |