The Final Outpost

must_ingel's lab

You duck into a nearby lab to escape some sort of commotion in the hallways. You have no idea what is happening but will make sure to ask around later. Meanwhile, a lovely black fox catches your eye. And what a strange name for such a sweetheart - "Deathmane". This other one is "Battletongue"! Suddenly, it feels like you've been transported into a black-n-white movie. All the creatures in this lab are grayscale. You're utterly confused as you realize all of them are named the same. How does the scientist here even differentiate? Taken aback, you exit the lab as fast as possible.
  • must_ingel has 5239 creatures
  • Joined on February 8th, 2021
Creature: pC0zo Battletongue
Creature: psx5a Battletongue
Creature: qGhVQ Battletongue
Creature: qvWwY Battletongue
Creature: r89Le Battletongue
Creature: rKgEg Battletongue
Creature: rqU1H Battletongue
Creature: tO6bw Battletongue
Creature: tTOHf Battletongue
Creature: taufL Battletongue
Creature: u05GE Battletongue
Creature: v6ovl Battletongue
Creature: vDsfP Battletongue
Creature: vc2IY Battletongue
Creature: w2BhP Battletongue
Creature: wRGXh Battletongue
Creature: wms8V Battletongue
Creature: wp3zC Battletongue
Creature: x1bBH Battletongue
Creature: y0z1U Battletongue
Creature: yc6SV Battletongue
Creature: z2Mqx Battletongue
Creature: zBReV Battletongue
Creature: zkqXq Battletongue
Creature: zolVZ Battletongue
Creature: 02SC1 Deathmane
Creature: 0wZjR Deathmane
Creature: 12uvJ Deathmane
Creature: 16hGS Deathmane
Creature: 1tR4q Deathmane
Creature: 23TJQ Deathmane
Creature: 2C72q Deathmane
Creature: 2f3sq Deathmane
Creature: 3Zynr Deathmane
Creature: 3opoD Deathmane
Creature: 47iOP Deathmane
Creature: 4V2kO Deathmane
Creature: 4kumx Deathmane
Creature: 62d7d Deathmane
Creature: 6ZseU Deathmane
Creature: 6j1ZU Deathmane
Creature: 7Mgzg Deathmane
Creature: 8oUVw Deathmane
Creature: 8xg0r Deathmane
Creature: 96BJl Deathmane
Creature: 98UV3 Deathmane
Creature: 9B49K Deathmane
Creature: 9IK1n Deathmane
Creature: 9jow7 Deathmane
Creature: 9lvy0 Deathmane