The Final Outpost

moopdog's lab

The Fluganta Rato doodle tacked to the door of this lab hardly prepares you for what's inside. Countless everyday objects have been adapted into avian habitats: Vira Bekos squabble over territory in fields of laundry, Frida Fisistos bask in the chill of an army of mini-fridges, and Ratos forage through the pile of papers on the desk in the corner. Several pieces of machinery lean against the walls: hopefully the automatic caretakers won't need those back, because the Strigostos nestled in their crevices seem very attached. Clearly the owner of this lab is a fan of birds!
  • moopdog has 2348 creatures
  • Joined on August 23rd, 2020
Creature: Qo3Nf Wild Berry Cheerios
Creature: OSwPw Oat Crunch Cheerios
Creature: HTyXc Multi Grain Cheerios
Creature: AnXlg Maple Cheerios
Creature: v1mYG Honey Nut Cheerios
Creature: JnOn8 Chocolate Cheerios
Creature: RV9mp Blueberry Cheerios
Creature: ogUte Banana Nut Cheerios
Creature: Z4Pct Banana Bread Cheerios
Creature: 2BEge Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
Creature: HWWEk Wild Berry Pop-Tart
Creature: Dbwuh Unfrosted Strawberry Pop-Tart
Creature: f5MIb Unfrosted Blueberry Pop-Tart
Creature: dhf74 Salted Caramel Pop-Tart
Creature: 7Cchb Root Beer Pop-Tart
Creature: ntR9I Red Velvet Pop-Tart
Creature: uXWnP Pretzel Cinamon Sugar Pop-Tart
Creature: DOvOn Pretzel Chocolate Pop-Tart
Creature: 1DWmI Pink Lemonade Pop-Tart
Creature: SBBh5 Orchard Apple Pop-Tart
Creature: bGsjv Milk Pop-Tart
Creature: lmnPW Hot Fudge Sundae Pop-Tart
Creature: m5aXQ Frosted Sugar Cookie Pop-Tart
Creature: I5q2O Frosted Maple Pop-Tart
Creature: LLbbz Frosted Blueberry Pop-Tart
Creature: e9MFx Frosted Apple Fritter Pop-Tart
Creature: YJ9Uc Crisp Apple Pop-Tart
Creature: Z8vvG Cookie Pop-Tart
Creature: 5BYhk Coffee Cake Pop-Tart
Creature: lohvi Cinnamon Roll Pop-Tart
Creature: NrClL Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tart
Creature: XXxHI Chocolate Chip Cookie Pop-Tart
Creature: k3bLP Cherry Pop-Tart
Creature: NoLgc Caramel Pop-Tart
Creature: 6AFqc Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tart
Creature: OPIil Boston Creme Donut Pop-Tart
Creature: XJB1M Blueberry Pop-Tart
Creature: ZnQI4 Banana Pop-Tart
Creature: BcX34 Banana Bread Pop-Tart
Creature: H93cw White Sugar Sponge Rice Cake
Creature: OoOxP Tteok Rice Cake
Creature: L3F3U Torte Di Riso Rice Cake
Creature: 1t7W6 Tomato Basil Rice Cake
Creature: opB8A Tahchin Rice Cake
Creature: rJSji Serabi Rice Cake
Creature: 91num Senbei Rice Cake
Creature: WA3uK Puffed Rice Cake
Creature: a49W3 Num Krok Rice Cake
Creature: D3fn2 Num Kom Rice Cake
Creature: 8sBkD Masi Rice Cake