The Final Outpost

miaou's lab

as you round a corner, you're surprised to see a juvenile kasa gardanto curled up against the wall. since you have a good idea which lab it escaped from, you carefully scoop it up and retrace your steps to a moss green door. when miaou answers your knock, zir fretful expression transforms into a sunny smile as you hold up the renegade, whose scales bear a resemblance to the shade of both the door and the hair swirled in a messy bun atop miaou's head. zie invites you in for a cup of tea, but you have somewhere to be just now and promise to drop by another time.
  • miaou has 2267 creatures
  • Joined on August 30th, 2023
Creature: ab2RV Diloricate
Creature: uYzWb Dysphoria
Creature: 9ILOf Essomenic
Creature: FLm8e Fanfaronade
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