The Final Outpost

loosingmymarbles's lab

You open the door to see sticky notes everywhere, on the walls, on a large whiteboard, and there are even some on Loosingmymarbles themself, who is currently handling their Vira Bekos. They turn to see you and give you a friendly wave, beckoning you to come closer. You do so and they have one of their baby Vira Bekos perch on their shoulder. They lean closer to you, smiling giddily. "Wanna pet it?" It squacks unceremoniously and frog blinks in your direction. Another one walks up to you and pecks at your shoelaces.
  • loosingmymarbles has 310 creatures
  • Joined on January 16th, 2021
Badge Winter Solstice 2023
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Creature: esX6R esX6R
Creature: jFyTQ jFyTQ
Creature: igVqG Flashlight
Creature: Yxlr8 North Pole
Creature: gtCDO Peppermint Stick
Creature: D8PES Shadow Shower
Creature: cb3dD Shady Building
Creature: 9tc9D Winter Path
Creature: uexyW Yellow Brick Road
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