The Final Outpost

fluteloops0329's lab

You approach a tall white door with drawings of creatures taped to it. You see a sign: "Beware of Vira Beko." Underneath this sign, you find a nameplate for "Floop." You knock on the door, and hear "just a minute!" and ruffling feathers. The door opens revealing a short researcher with glasses. In the background, you see a Vira Beko eating a rodent. Floop welcomes you into their lab, which is virtually empty aside for habitats, boxes, and an untidy desk. Floop looks embarrassed, "Sorry for all the mess, let me show you what I've discovered so far!" You follow Floop deeper into their lab.
  • fluteloops0329 has 2050 creatures
  • Joined on October 20th, 2022
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