The Final Outpost

cigaretto's lab

You knock on the unmarked door to Dr. C's lab to no response. You hear a hundo whining and scratching before the lock on the door clicks open. A young man is holding back the Luna Hundo on the other side. He welcomes you into the tranquil, dimly lit laboratory. Along the walls are posters that must be millennia old, displaying what seems to be the musicians and athletes of a bygone era. The quiet ambience of the lab is interrupted only by the occasional call of a Beko from the nesting units outside. You get the notes you came here for and make your way out, giving the hundo a pat as you go.
  • cigaretto has 2100 creatures
  • Joined on November 1st, 2020
Creature: VXIlW VXIlW
Creature: YtvxQ YtvxQ
Creature: UuKNb UuKNb
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