The Final Outpost

beopi's lab

Before you is a quaint little lab, much smaller on the inside than you'd expect what with all the clutter. State-of-the-art decor is lined with the vials of strange liquid and chicken-scratch notes, amateur doodles of the scientist's current favorite creature decorate the wall. When you look further back, the housing units for captured creatures seem shockingly pampered and polished--an act of love for these animals that clearly cannot return the same affection. Every scrap you can decipher speaks to the mind of this scientist: a mind that thinks, "Do I remember how Punnett squares work?"
  • beopi has 339 creatures
  • Joined on July 19th, 2023
Badge Winter Solstice 2023
Badge Halloween 2023
Badge Beta Tester
Creature: x4W0a Bruno is Orange
Creature: UQDJG Deep Sea Emerald Green
Creature: lNbrC Incuba
Creature: EFU3L Smooth Stone
Creature: KPyL5 Snowy Quick
Creature: vfB9I Corn Flake
Creature: HwkLm Hawkodile
Creature: yEmTS Pots of Pepper
Creature: 7d8t7 The Gunk
Creature: lHSLI Aapep
Creature: BMPSM Claude
Creature: PrNqm Flare
Creature: itBlw Toothpaste
Creature: jiR1p Wisp
Creature: FBIRL Wrath
Creature: OQPUC Aurifer
Creature: bpFLY Bumblefly
Creature: NIp7I Calsweet
Creature: 5NVVi Georgia Rattlesnake
Creature: x0llv Jolly
Creature: PYDte Pybite
Creature: bon0H Bono
Creature: 1ZvPt Little Tangerine
Creature: lI9Qs Pepper and Flakes
Creature: 1OEoM Saltine and Cheese
Creature: 7h6cc Sourdough
Creature: 6Wf5W Pillsbury
Creature: h5iK8 Pumpkaboo
Creature: RvrDf Snickers
Creature: ayu8n Cotton Candy Blast
Creature: dMDMH Glacial Point
Creature: 3psuo Samoa
Creature: JaNP8 Larksur
Creature: XCnSj Spackle-la
Creature: 8ebdv 8-Ball
Creature: HzjQ3 Bok Choy
Creature: J2Jye Jetlag
Creature: mT9fe My Toffee
Creature: SOa9A Mycelium