The Final Outpost

animatedrose's lab

Dr. Drose's lab is a bit messy and crammed with far too many books. How does someone get around in here? This can't be safe, yet the creatures all seem very happy and well cared for. A large stone pond is built on one side, housing a trio of Senvida Naganto. At the desk, you can see various doodles among all the lab notes. The back of the chair has the word SHIELD written on it in thick black marker. What could that mean? Curious...
  • animatedrose has 4294 creatures
  • Joined on July 1st, 2020
Creature: vCVIl Sianame
Creature: rwv9M Rasira
Creature: Mbxaz Dukkir
Creature: vIwid Sire
Creature: GIrCE Sila
Creature: ithJd Techno
Creature: BJLmM Brea
Creature: x64u4 Knox
Creature: qpGsQ Arthen
Creature: TGRyb Slattern
Creature: 8hICD Sophro
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Creature: w03MM Larono
Creature: NqV2j Digby
Creature: HfdYa Galek
Creature: wcyYt Dillan
Creature: oWQgc Prose
Creature: TvgV7 Van
Creature: 7tUeP Vector
Creature: skrtZ Amali
Creature: SPdzl Spirel
Creature: bySjl Kaitra
Creature: 6QNmT Kent
Creature: KVvcF Hallow
Creature: 1i3M7 Rally
Creature: z7C4v Pauz
Creature: VJYCu Pheon
Creature: Vc2GS Siko
Creature: nSV5G Kutanu
Creature: 98lBD Nuvanro
Creature: b1RaJ Reko
Creature: CAXJg Silako
Creature: NRq16 Sisi
Creature: iiESn Kukirduk
Creature: XnYc7 Basilis
Creature: NDvqY Rasiko
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Creature: MKK7e Isra
Creature: vHrEr Meana
Creature: oV4z8 Isisla
Creature: aiRNH Tarovan
Creature: 59pzP Kuvan
Creature: iF8s1 Rela
Creature: NFi00 Dukkirku
Creature: AISIt Anakosi
Creature: LNmOA Reko
Creature: nkUJo Meme
Creature: 2iz4k Kirnuta
Creature: LM8Wh Sire
Creature: srGmW Sianais