The Final Outpost

Zarionis's lab

As you enter through a plain gray door, you find yourself in a spacious room with white lights on the ceiling. On your right, there is a huge aquarium built into the wall, with some Nagantos swimming by. On the other side, there are shelves with various trinkets and colorful plants, probably from expeditions. Dr. Zari greets you as she sits at her work table, sorting through a few papers, some with sketches depicting strange alien-like robots. As you're about to say something, a Muska Felo starts to rub against your leg. "That's Mercury" says Dr. Zari, amused. "I think he likes you!".
  • Zarionis has 4153 creatures
  • Joined on October 25th, 2020
Creature: HfSCv An'bavi II
Creature: F1td9 Sraza'hi II
Creature: BoNAo Bonao III
Creature: 7ijxb Zisal'ha II
Creature: U7oTW Zargox II
Creature: 6O6PL Til'kikal II
Creature: eHG0A Terao II
Creature: gVUSC Ikozzak III
Creature: ES5bP Kanashiiomo III
Creature: ZVrwY Yokipemi III
Creature: 2Z1gH Xasik'te III
Creature: OfNnZ Zal'jaka III
Creature: Ifuph Mith're III
Creature: o57QR Napotatu III
Creature: XWiSI Sahluk III
Creature: qokfX Ikkirrux III
Creature: HyOE7 Sayomituti III
Creature: Ja5PX Sherrasik III
Creature: 9M8gj Qenavi III
Creature: xjCio Xi'cio III
Creature: jBduD Malqir III
Creature: BFCtH Amarshap III
Creature: RN8Ix Tokoyopemi III
Creature: v8b91 Xothar'e III
Creature: u2ji2 Tazzik III
Creature: 92aHK Tamalra III
Creature: HYkgV Atakatetsu III
Creature: jQxyu Akiramemi III
Creature: 8mVuK Mex'eeth III
Creature: ZUJpE Sir'iluk III
Creature: b20Gb Nanoyotatu III
Creature: xKyD8 Nessavar III
Creature: 9rBvp Thel'thi III
Creature: Gfxct Zhen'hish III
Creature: mhxmw E'los III
Creature: ZuvSC Skath'ir III
Creature: S3KQb Sher'tha III
Creature: qBqIG Xazaka III
Creature: VxmUH Jaroth III
Creature: oAQl6 Tukumi III
Creature: PaTiK Patik III
Creature: hxRb9 Qezen'za III
Creature: WIROl Akatokitatu III
Creature: yNyxS Esenaij III
Creature: vfibp Tashal III
Creature: dyvmE Et'takal III
Creature: gW8By Zevin III
Creature: 5PH50 Vin'be III
Creature: uovl5 Partaha III
Creature: dneC9 Hol'ka III