The Final Outpost

Zarionis's lab

As you enter through a plain gray door, you find yourself in a spacious room with white lights on the ceiling. On your right, there is a huge aquarium built into the wall, with some Nagantos swimming by. On the other side, there are shelves with various trinkets and colorful plants, probably from expeditions. Dr. Zari greets you as she sits at her work table, sorting through a few papers, some with sketches depicting strange alien-like robots. As you're about to say something, a Muska Felo starts to rub against your leg. "That's Mercury" says Dr. Zari, amused. "I think he likes you!".
  • Zarionis has 4153 creatures
  • Joined on October 25th, 2020
Creature: FlqDZ Windy
Creature: 8xuLW Fairytale
Creature: LHuo1 Stribog
Creature: g986g Mephisto
Creature: Me0Ds Vaporwave
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Creature: km0N7 Gardenia Glow
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Creature: Fyeon Fyeon
Creature: bNpCM Marigold
Creature: QztXd Coconut Grove
Creature: mZN8p Barion
Creature: I6rgh Silver Rain
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Creature: N23Gg Tavasz
Creature: MgE8J April Mist
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Creature: M2puW Sew-and-so
Creature: J2N2S Petunia
Creature: UV5jC Soprana
Creature: diYur Diyur
Creature: FCVFE Meadowbrook
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