The Final Outpost

Yashiro's lab

As you enter the laboratory, your eyes can catch all sort of things happening at the same time, as you are greeted by the smell of fluids you can't discern what exactly is. You can see an assortment of plants, which makes the lab look more like a greenhouse than a laboratory. You're even doubting your eyes as you think you saw something moving between the leaves. The only signal of human work here is some coke cans and an open snack above a messy table full of papers. While there observing, you see a beautiful feline approaching, something that you define as a (friendly) welcome to the lab.
  • Yashiro has 916 creatures
  • Joined on October 31st, 2022
Badge Halloween 2023
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Badge Beta Tester
Creature: j3xtP Orange Swallowtail
Creature: yRJQX Gold Swallowtail
Creature: IjHtB Red Tiger Moth
Creature: nQUSi Purple BRY Spots
Creature: 7T5nJ Purple Resplendent Forester
Creature: ZZF0S White Astyanax
Creature: ZPKEX Peackock Butterfly
Creature: D7o2p Blue Swallowtail
Creature: KnvR6 Iris Blue Malachite
Creature: AzmaZ AzmaZ
Creature: 8m78d 8m78d
Creature: vjkWP vjkWP
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Creature: ZcaFc Iridescent G. Procilla Beauty
Creature: tqMAB Gold Red Admiral
Creature: pepYQ pepYQ
Creature: e9vSo e9vSo
Creature: l7D8V l7D8V
Creature: gZ1H2 gZ1H2
Creature: ojLXC ojLXC
Creature: 1QotM 1QotM
Creature: oDZlC oDZlC
Creature: tF0JU tF0JU
Creature: vVCmP vVCmP
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Creature: AftxT AftxT
Creature: RinJG RinJG
Creature: ytXVL ytXVL
Creature: zcckr zcckr
Creature: jCSoF jCSoF
Creature: rm2u8 rm2u8
Creature: haDHg haDHg
Creature: 2Pk3Q 2Pk3Q
Creature: uPnZO uPnZO
Creature: 0ixLX 0ixLX
Creature: Vgxuo Vgxuo
Creature: bY40G bY40G
Creature: l522r l522r
Creature: uMcUm uMcUm
Creature: 8VhES 8VhES
Creature: WruO7 WruO7
Creature: 7Ns4W 7Ns4W
Creature: yD3Aj yD3Aj
Creature: xyiry xyiry
Creature: J7iwh J7iwh
Creature: f4jog f4jog