The Final Outpost

Thad Rolmark's lab

Avatar for Thad Rolmark
Thad Rolmark’s lab embraces the term chaotic, with half-finished experiments, haphazard piles of notebooks and papers, and the occasional meal bar wrapper strewn across every available surface. Other than the occasional light dusting, automated caretakers have learned not to enter his lab, as Thad becomes quite frustrated if anything is disturbed. Visitors should also be wary of knocking over a precarious stack of papers or stepping on a wayward data chip. Despite his quirks, Thad welcomes anyone curious about history and will speak for hours on the topic. He has a quiet rivalry with C. Roote, always attempting to find new material for his lectures first. Due to his preference for genetic research, his lab’s housing units sit mostly empty, though he has welcomed a few gifts from other researchers.
  • Thad Rolmark has 1463 creatures
  • Joined on July 19th, 2020
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