The Final Outpost

Sliced's lab

A quiet little room with plants placed in random spots. Most of the plants are succulents. The plants themselves seam very well taken care of ! oddly enough the lighting in the room seams to be little fairy lights strung up along the walls so the lighting is little yet efficient. Lab equipment is placed neatly around the room everything seams well organized and the space used is also oddly spacious for a little room ! creatures seam to be happy and cooing in contentment as the Slice observes and cares for them in a kind manner trying to make them as comfortable as she can while observing them
  • Sliced has 612 creatures
  • Joined on March 27th, 2024
Creature: IEwUh IEwUh
Creature: YAyZl YAyZl
Creature: 9lF9M Andersonite
Creature: D12nY Andorite
Creature: mdwyB Andradite
Creature: mLSdi Andyrobertsite
Creature: OJwQi Anglesite
Creature: td9WX Anhydrite
Creature: vdLOt Ankerite
Creature: vvLwa Annabergite
Creature: YoOz6 Annite
Creature: ZsUmc Anorthite
Creature: SYz8J Sir Snips Alot
Creature: 9ct3g Analcime
Creature: bX5zD Anandite
Creature: etBex Anapaite
Creature: LWIQr Anatase
Creature: SLPwh Ancylite
Creature: WBWMo Andalusite
Creature: tz26L Snippy Yah